Freelancing is one of the few occupations that doesn’t have a definitive ceiling in terms of potential.
You can make as much money as you’d like to, and you’re only limited by how quickly you can work as long as you have work available. This is particularly true for freelance writing, where many people struggle to optimize their efficiency.
Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as you may think. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Let’s take a look at freelance writing tips that you need to know about.
1. Leverage Social Media
One of the biggest mistakes that new freelance writers make is neglecting to utilize social media to help build their careers.
Not only will this serve as a platform for you to communicate with your followers, but you’ll also be able to contact potential clients you’d like to work with, professionals you’d like to collaborate with, etc.
Keep in mind, though, that you should treat your professional social media accounts the same way you would a business account. This means that you should avoid expressing personal opinions (especially political ones) and always ensure that the content you post is relevant to your audience.
2. Reach Out to as Many Potential Clients as You Can
It’ll most likely take a long period of time to get to the point where you have a large volume of clients reaching out to you. So, you’ll need to make the first effort and contact people that you’d like to work for.
To take this a step further, though, you should reach out to far more clients than you actually need. For instance, if working with five clients will give you a full workload, try to get in touch with 10 or 15.
Doing this will account for those that don’t reply or those who don’t have any work available at the moment.
3. Create a Professional Website
You can’t expect people to trust you if you are able to showcase who you are as a professional.
Creating a website that’s dedicated to your freelance writing brand is an essential practice when it comes to securing high-quality clients. Not only will you be able to convey your skills and specializations as a writer, but you’ll also be able to use your website to integrate a writing portfolio.
This will provide potential clients with the opportunity to get a strong grasp of the results they’ll receive.
4. Don’t Turn Down Work When You Need It
As with any job, freelance writing occasionally involves taking on work that you don’t necessarily enjoy.
During the early stages of your career, you’ll most likely have a need for both income and notoriety. This means that you should take every project that you can as long as you’re able to complete it in a professional manner.
For instance, a freelance writer who specializes in market analyses may not enjoy creating a training manual. But, it’s something that they can add to their portfolio to illustrate their diversity as a professional.
After you’ve established yourself, you’ll have far more leeway when it comes to what type of projects to work on.
5. Learn to Write as Quickly as Possible
We’ve all heard the phrase “time is money,” and freelance writing is the purest example of this.
After you’ve accepted a project and been given the necessary materials, the clock starts ticking. As long as there are no foreseeable obstacles that prevent you from completing it, you’re in full control of how quickly you do so.
So, it’s in your best interest to optimize the speed at which you’re able to deliver quality content. This means doing your best to limit distractions, hold yourself accountable for deadlines, and streamline your writing process. This will allow you to take on a larger volume of work within a shorter period of time, which ultimately leads to more money.
6. Don’t Jump Ship Yet
It’s not wise to quit your day job and pursue your passion as a freelance writer if you don’t already have an established network of clients. In most scenarios, you’ll end up financially struggling and have to get another job to support yourself. This situation, of course, was the inspiration behind the term ‘starving artist.’
There’s no shame in keeping freelance writing as a side hustle during the early stages of your career, and it’s recommended that she do so. Once you’ve proven that you can consistently support yourself through freelance writing while also saving money, you can begin to seriously consider jumping into it full-time.
7. Focus on Your Niche
Most writers have a professional level of knowledge in a large handful of subjects. But, this doesn’t mean that they should always aim to write about everything they know. Instead, it’s best to capitalize on a single niche that they excel in and continue adding high-quality content to their portfolio.
For example, someone who has expert-level knowledge of real estate will have a far easier time getting future real estate work if they have an abundance of past real estate projects that they can showcase.
So, take the time to consider the niche you want to focus on and then pursue clients in that space.
Incorporating These Freelance Writing Tips Can Seem Difficult
But it doesn’t have to be.
With the above freelance writing tips that you should keep in mind, you’ll be well on your way toward hitting numbers that you never thought possible.
Want to learn more about how we can help? Feel free to get in touch with us today to see what we can do.
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