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Freelance Writing Tips and Tricks: 10 Common Mistakes Freelance Writers Make (and How to Avoid Them!)

freelance writing

Have you been kicking around the idea of potentially launching a freelance writing career? If so, it’s going to be extremely important for you to go about doing it in the right way. There are a lot of people who make a bunch of freelance writing mistakes during their first year as a freelance writer […] Read more»

How to Choose the Best Grammar Checker For You

best grammar checker

Did you know that your grammar and spelling could be directly linked to your job performance? We’re typing faster and more furiously than ever before, and it’s all too easy to slip up. Then, there are those grammar rules that are easy to miss, even when you take your time. “Then” vs “than” is only […] Read more»

What Is a Press Release Writing Service?

press release writing service

Let’s face it! Our world has been inundated with endless streams of content—some good, some not so good. In the ever-present online realm, digital and media marketing, how can you stand out against the competition?  While you could write a press release yourself, would it stand up against your competitors? Are you a professional? If […] Read more»

How to Write in a Passive Voice

how to write in a passive voice

In order to write effective copy, you need to understand the core mechanics of grammar and sentence structure. A common issue that writers encounter involves the use of passive voice, and many people aren’t sure how to use it appropriately. Not quite sure how to begin? We’ve got all the info you need. Let’s explore […] Read more»

Content Writing for SEO: 6 Reasons A Good Blog Improves Ranking

content writing for seo

A Microsoft Corp study reported the average person’s attention span is eight seconds. That’s less than a goldfish’s at nine-seconds. They also asked 18 to 24-year-olds to describe the first thing they do when not engaged in an activity. “Pick up my cell phone” ranked first with 77% of positive responses. This highlights an important […] Read more»

How to Write in an Active Voice

how to write in an active voice

Writers, bloggers, and marketing professionals are often told to write in an active voice. While there is nothing wrong with using the passive voice, most readers prefer the active voice for non-scientific content. Active voice sentences are typically shorter and less likely to create confusion than those written in the passive voice. If you’re wondering […] Read more»

How to Source Trending Blog Post Topics to Keep Your Blog Relevant

blog post topics

You might know that a lot of content is posted online every day, but did you realize that a full 4.4 million blog posts were posted per day as of March 2019? During the 2020 pandemic, that number has only climbed. Staying relevant when so many posts are published daily is a significant challenge faced […] Read more»

Tips and Tricks for Finding (and Getting!) Freelance Writing Gigs

freelance writing gigs

Has it always been your dream to work as a freelance writer? If so, you might not know where to start as far as finding—and landing!—freelance writing gigs. When you’re first trying to get your freelance writing career off the ground, it can be challenging trying to track down freelance writing jobs. Since there are quite […] Read more»

A Freelancer’s Guide on How to Write a Product Review

how to write a product review

The modern freelance writer has more power than they think. 91% of young consumers trust online reviews. If you’re looking for a writing niche, product reviews are one of the best first places to start! Professional and unbiased product reviews help customers make the best buying decisions. In order to write reviews that generate results, […] Read more»

The Best Productivity Apps to Help You Stay Organized in Lockdown

best productivity apps

The novel coronavirus pandemic accelerated the shift to remote working. Stanford University reports that over 40% of U.S. employees are now working from home full-time. About half of them are able to do their jobs at an efficiency rate of 80% or more. Unfortunately, this new way of doing things doesn’t work for everyone. Some […] Read more»

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