Hello. My name is Keith Koons and I have been a professional copy writer for approximately 14 years now. I have also owned several businesses over the years, worked in corporate management, and experienced a lot of success…yet I choose to be a freelance writer.
Well, for one- I’m very good at it and it earns me phenomenal money from larger corporate clients. More than that though, I absolutely love the freedom. Being able to write from anywhere is such an incredible feeling, because it lets me focus on the stuff that really matters in my life.
But enough about me; we’ll get to my personal story a little bit later. For now, let’s only focus on you.
You might be wondering, is there an amazing future for you as a writer? I’d love to tell you “yes” right off the bat, but the truth of the matter is that only you can decide that. To be successful at anything in life you have to have a strong commitment towards success. So while I can teach you to write like a seasoned professional, I can’t give you the passion for writing.
Either you have it or you don’t.
Another problem with writers starting out is that they’re so focused on money, that they forget freelance writing is an actual job where others depend on you.
These assignments that you see on iWriter; there are actually real-life clients on the other side of the equation paying good money for web content. Do you ever wonder why they hire novice writers like you in the first place?
The answer is simple- you help their websites connect with people in several different ways at once.
First off, your writing helps companies show their clients what their brand is all about. That builds a relationship between the company’s management and their customers, which ultimately makes people more likely to buy from them.
Content is also important for the search engines since that’s how Google decides how to rank businesses for any given category. The general rule is that the website with the best content wins, and you get to play a big part of that as a writer. That’s why every article you assign to yourself on iWriter is so important…it is helping the search engines and people alike.
So whenever you write an article for a client, you should ask yourself, “Why do they want this?” Or maybe, “How can it help them?”
That’s what a professional does to ensure that they’re taking care of their clients and always meeting their needs. And the more time you spend understanding your customers, the easier it will be for you to get additional assignments and advance to higher levels of work/pay.
Now, I know making a few dollars per article is not very good money, but I want you to know that I have been exactly where you are right now.
The first place I ever got paid to write was for the Yahoo Contributor Network back around 2000, and the first article I submitted received a whopping $1.24 in pay. And for the first few months there, the money didn’t seem to be adding up very fast. What I didn’t realize, however, was that hard work really does pay off…and it takes a site like iWriter to help you see the bigger picture.
Here’s an example- last week, I charged a Fortune 500 client $7,500 to rewrite ten pages of copy on their website. The week before that, I had an insurance company pay me $15,000 to write a 125 word video script for a big campaign they were launching. I get several of these types of assignments every month, and I started EXACTLY where you are right now.
Just think about that for a moment. I’ve earned over $20,000 a month…doing exactly what you’re learning to do today.
To be completely honest, I have been very fortunate in this industry because I had some amazing mentors early on. And don’t worry, I will tell you everything about them in detail in the chapters to follow. But there hasn’t been a single thing that I have accomplished that someone like you couldn’t do just as easily…if you have a true passion for being a professional writer.
As I said before, I can’t give you that. Either you have it or you don’t.
So let me end lesson one with a few promises. I promise you that I will do everything that I possibly can to make you a better writer. In fact, I’m going to teach you every trick of the trade that you need to become a world-class copywriter that clients wait in line to hire. I’m going to teach you about writing essentials, how to engage your readers, writing great headline, search optimization, and everything else you need to know…and iWriter.com is going to pay for every last penny of this education.
All that I ask in return is that you give yourself a fair chance. Read this material. Study it. Take the lessons to heart. And most importantly, push yourself every single day to become a better writer. That’s what true professionals do. And another thing- what Brad Callen, the owner of iWriter is doing here is absolutely unheard of in this industry.
He wants you to have a top-rate education on how to reach Elite status quickly and earn a fantastic income. I am absolutely honored to be the person he chose for that task. Brad will be making several exciting announcements in the upcoming weeks as well, so you’ll want to keep a very close eye on your inbox in the days to follow.
One last thing before I go- there will be seven total lessons in this tutorial and you’ll definitely want to master them all. I’m not allowed to share any details (yet) of what iWriter has planned in the coming weeks, but it will literally be life-changing for many of you.
Keith Koons
Thank you very much Mr.Keith Koons and Mr Brad Callen for sharing your time and resources .Personally i joined iwriter two days ago and i am enjoying every minute and every step of the journey.I believe I am going to make it big because I have the passion,zeal and drive for writing
Thank you Keith koons for your time….hope to gain a lot from your tutorials
Wao! This is incredible news for some of us newbies in iWriter. Thank you so much Keith Koons. I am looking forward to everyone of your great lessons. Some years to come I will definitely come back here with a great success story. Thanks again and thanks to Brad Callen for coming up with this wonderful training and of course paying for it..
This is the best news I have heard this week. I joined iwriters a few days ago and I am very passionate about writing. Thank you Mr. Keith Koons and Mr. Brad Called for this amazing initiative.
Can’t wait for the next lesson.
Thanks a lot Keith,I joined the I writer few days ago and I know big things yet to come. I have learnt a lot
Passion is my drive and I believe this is what I want to do and am coming for it.
God’s blessings
thanks Keith for the lesson. i know that one day in the future i will be like you.
I am actually intrigued by the process and eagered to learn more about the writing process. I appreciate all of the pointers of being a successful writer.
Thank you very much Mr. Keith. Those were extremely inspiring words to hear. I will definitely commit to the learning of iWriter and to all of the training that is given to me in the course of iwriter. Fantastic job on this article and can’t wait for the next one to learn more about copywriting and writing. I am very happy to be part of a great community of freelancers that write content for everyone. Thank and have a great day.
Mr. Koons for sharing your thoughts and experiences.I am feeling that this will surely helps me alot to improve and upgrades my writing skills.
This is absolutely amazing! I’m so excited to be a part of this.
Thank you, Keith.
Thank you one thing I have a passion for the English language and a passion fir creativity so trust me I’m willing to do what I need to succeed
Impressive Mr. Keith, I’m eager to be in the second lesson.
Thank you Mr. Keith koons it’s very pleasure to have contact with i will take your lessons by heart and will try everyday to become a Professional writer. As you know that it takes time but a good practice always makes perfect.
That’s interesting Keith Koons. I really appreciate your effort and iwriter admin for this wonderful lesson. I hope to gain more knowledge about writing.
Hi Keith am new at writing and one of my mentors told me that writer has high rejection rate and unfortunately they don’t tell you why your work was rejected. Don’t you think it’s more valuable to the writer to know why their work was rejected so that in future they can improve.
Wow, that was a wonderful introduction on the part of Keith Koons. It should surely motivate a guy like me who wants to make real money by brushing up my skill at writing. For I’m a novice when it comes to writing contents. Yes, Keith, I have the passion for writing. You are absolutely right there when you say either one have it or not. Apart from the website mentioned above I write several other blogs. One big novel has been successfully serialized. Yes, I have it what it takes when having passion for writing is concerned. But I’m a novice about content writing and other things. In the days to come, I hope to benefit much from Keith and sharpen my writing skill.
Best Regards.
Its an honour to read your experience and your advise. From your tutorials, i think my work is going to polish….
Hi Keith,i just joined I writer some days a go. Am highly inspired by your story. I have a great passion for writing and I can assure you that with these I will go far.
Thank you Mr. Koons and Mr. Callen for the lessons! I’m looking forward to every tutorial and the journey to become a proffesional copywriter.
Awesome piece. Thank you very much, Keith Koons and the Iwriter team for this amazing initiative.
Thanks a lot Keith for your dedication in improving our writing skills. I hope to become a professional writer by the help of your tutorials.
I am looking forward to make some good outcome from being a copywriter … thanks for your good notes
Hi Keith!
Thanks a lot for your valuable advice which I found really interesting and it has motivated me to take up your lessons seriously, with a view to becoming a really good freelance writer. I am new at this , however, I am keen to try my hand in freelance writing especially as I have retired from my present job and have an ample amount of free time to indulge in my passion and hobby which is writing. Look forward to learning from you and working with you in the future if things work out for me as I would expect them to.
Thank you soo much keith koons.Hope your lessons will make my writting skill higher than before.Looking forward for your help.
Thanks a great deal Mr.koons. Am really determined to your next tutorials. Your work is a blessing to newbies like me.Lets meet at the top mr. Keith koons.
Thank you Mr Keith. Your words are indeed encouraging to budding freelance writers like me, who hope to someday be as successful as you. Looking forward to the tutorial.
Thank you Keith.
Hope to learn and become a professional writer.
Thank you Keith Koons for your time ….. hope to gain more from you
Thank you Mr. Keith for this wonderful information I registered in this site one week ago and I want to become a distinguished writer thanks to your advice so I am very excited to learn lessons from you
Thanks so much for this lesson. I am new to iwriter but pleasantly surprised by this kindness. I see a very bright future thanks to you, Keith and Brad. My zeal and passion just shot after going through just this first lesson.
Thanks for iWriter especially Brad Callen and for you Keith for your efforts
Thanks so much for this, Wow! I feel like I’m onto something it already. Looking forward to the whole process and definitely make a better writer.
Thats incredible it’s inspiration for start up writers like me. Thanks Mr Keith koons and Brad callen
I am more than grateful. Thank you Mr Keith Koon and Mr Brad. Cant wait to be a professional writer.
Thanks Keith koons and Brad Callen for this wonderful initiative. Words are inadequate for me to express my profound gratitude. Keep the fire burning.
Thank you Mr. Keith for the amazing story of introduction. Eager and ready to learn more.
Really excited about this learning opportunity, Thanks Mr. Keith Koons and Mr Brad Callen for this initiative. Hope to learn everything I can possibly learn from you to better myself as writer as well as increase my income. Thanks.
Thank you Keith for the lesson. Am looking forward to being a great writer like you someday.
Awesome! Thanks Keith and the Iwriter team for this tremendous gift.
Dear Keith:
Thank you for making your expertise available to iWriter contributors. While the price tag is perfect for learning and practicing before hitting the real money, it is your donation of self that makes this an offering worth more than money.
Dear Brad:
You must know that this type of collaboration is unheard of with content writing sites (I know, I’ve written for many). Your compassion for our success is demonstrated through your investment in our training.
Thank you guys( iwriter team) for such an opportunity to write such staff to the wrest of the world, looking much forward to doing it more and more,… cheers
Thank you Keith am new here and am 100% passionate on writing and am sure i have joined the best place where i will get to learn more and find myself in the topmost ranking.
Really looking forward to all your lessons. And thanks for all the help that you are providing to everyone over here.
Thdnks very much for your encouragement. In fact am hoping for a success in this once again thank and may God bless you
Just thanks is not enough for you. I will give best comment when i will complete 7 lessons. Thank you.
Thanks Keith. Great introduction there, you’ve given me hope as I joined recently. Look forward for your next lessons
Thank you so much for the wonderful work you are doing…And am looking forward to becoming a better writer through your lessons.
Thanks Keith, you have just motivated me that I can become a great writer. Now I am a novice and would want to improve my skills day by day. With your lessons and mentorship, I am looking forward to earn learn and earn from it.
I will be glad to read of your posts.
Mr.Keith Koons and Mr Brad Callen you guys are latterly the best! you have no idea how much this means to me and I’m 100% sure with your help I can do this with my eyes closed and one day I can come back and tell the story on how these two people changed my life. Thank you again.
Thanks so much Mr. Keith Koons for your great motivation. Now than ever I’ve got the zeal to commit myself to becoming a great writer and transforming my life and that of people around me
Thanks so much Keith for your time. Can’t wait to learn more from you. So incredible
Thank you so very much Mr. Koons and thank you Mr. Callen for giving us this opportunity and taking the time to teach us budding writers how to develop our skills and grow in this field.
I am so grateful to your Mr. Koons and also to you Mr. B. Callen for thinking about me and the other person who is starting up. I am new to iWriter and I am amazed how awesome iWriter is. This is a place where one can grow. Take for instance, hiring an expert like Mr. Koons, that’s awesome. I really appreciate and I am looking forward to the seven lessons. Can’t wait to start.
I was really encouraged by your article.
Thank you.
This lesson means a lot to me. Thank you so much. I hope to learn more from you.
With this kind of resources then becoming an elite iwriter will only be the side effect- thank you Keith Koons
One simple thought that i want to share with you… is
” After losing hope of earning online, I came here on iwriter and i can say that still there is some space (iwriter) to leave for true people with the true people (Mr. Brad & Mr. Keith).
Thank you so much for giving us a new hope to stand up again and fight with the life with full of confidence.
Thank you.
Thanks for the encouragement
I sincerely feel very happy and pleased to belong to this wonderful team of iWriter, that with this lesson taught by Keith Koons and Brad Callen, that I take into account to be a professional writer. I want to take the lessons of Mr. Koons very seriously, and show that I have a lot of talent and wisdom to write. Thank you very much
Thank you Mr. Keith for sharing this. I am encouraged to continue.
I can’t thank you both -Brad Callen and Keith Koons- enough for this rare opportunity. Many thanks!
I need to work with your company
Hey there ..mr.koons….you know what!! I can see it coming…..right through the front door….with words dancing …..words singing…..and words. Coming to life……maybe I will learn to talk to them in very near future….with your help ..of course…..thank you for holding out your hand
First, Thank you very much to Mr. Keith Koons. I am a new writer here and got a fantastic idea to become a good writer after reading this lesson.
Expecting your upcoming tutorials in my mail.
Hey Keith! I look forward to working with iWriter and learn everything you have to offer. I just joined the site a week ago and I’m budgeting more time for this new path. I hope to make a career out of writing and it sounds like I’m at the right place!
Thank you for me is an understatement.I just can’t find a word to describe how grateful I am for this rare opportunity.I am ready to learn and be great like you Mr.Keith Koons. Mr Brad Callen,wow,what can i say..You are the true defintion of wanting other people to succeed too.
I am more than pleased and willing to follow every step towards my success in becoming one of the most prolific writers.
Thanks Keith
Thanks, Keith, the intro is motivating.
Thanks a lot Keith. Just joined and am reading all the blogs of all and good to know you support professional writing. Please do let me know the sites to be visited to keep learning more and understand ways to earn more.
I would like to thank you very much, Mr.Keith Koons,
Hoping you will be okay all the time
Thank you so much for this very inspiring article and for giving us this free invaluable lesson
Dear Sir
Thank you very much for such a nice and enthusiastic tutorial classes.Being learner on iwriter and a student of such a high personality like Keith Koons are going to worthy for us.The above chapter one has filled in so much energy and spirit to work as the content writer.Really excited to learn further lesson.
Thanks and Regards
Thank you very much for such a nice and enthusiastic tutorial classes.Being learner on iwriter and a student of such a high personality like Keith Koons are going to worthy for us.The above chapter one has filled in so much energy and spirit to work as the content writer.Really excited to learn further lesson.
Thanks and Regards
I appreciate this Mr. Koons. It will be a great benefit to be tutored by a true professional. Looking forward to what I can learn further.. Thanks and have a good one.
Great lesson, Thanks so much Keith Koons. This is so noble of you Brad. I trust at the end of these lessons I’ll be better on my professional writing passion.
I really liked reading about the success that Mr. Keith Koons, lets us see that we can all achieve great things only if we do our part and we give great effort to what we want.
Thank you Brad Callen.
Thank you so much for this and Brad, thanks a lot for wanting to help us get geared to being a professional writer. I’m glad and thankful and I hope we aspiring professional writers succeed in this. Thanks once again! God bless.
I love this and I love writing. I look froward to this content and will take it seriously.
Thanks very much Keith Koons for finding time to educate us. It is such a beautiful article and very informative too. May God bless you abundantly.
Thank you very much for such encouraging lessons. Looking forward to learning more and becoming one of the best
Thank you very much Mr Keith koons and Mr Brad Callen for all you did you are great person with big heart and i love you with all my heart i welcome you in my country Morocco in my house with my family it will be great honeur for me any time you want my city name is Marrakech and it’s great place to spend holiday anyway you are welcome my phone numbre : +212622617226 im sirius about all thank you again i will write all i can do to be the best im 26 years old
Thank you very keith koons for you very useful information regarding how one can benefit from iWriter.I believe if i embrace what you just articulated i will make it big.
Great platform. Amazing insight on this platform. Thank you. Hope to exceed in achieving knowledgeable content creating skills from my commitment to this community.
Thank you very much Keith for such great teaching that would change many.
Thank you to Keith Koons and Brad Callen for your time and efforts. I love writing and cant wait to see how far this opportunity takes me and my writing skills!
Thank you very much Mr. Koons and Mr. Callen for such an inspirational masterpiece. I look forward to gaining a lot from your tutorials.
Thank you Mr Keith and Mr Brad for coming up with such idea.This really shows an act of selfless in you guys.I know some other places somewhere,such lessons are not offered for free but you have chosen to do it.This is going to be a game changer to many of us.Keep it up and may God bless you.
Thanks to both Brad Callen and Keith Koons for this training course, it is just what I need. Writing for business is a new world with a new language for me. I will certainly follow the lessons.
Thank you so much Mr. Keith Koons for the encouraging and motivating message. I am really eagerly waiting for more lessons. Thank you.
Thanks a lot for this article which is very inspiring and motivating Mr.Keith.Am looking forward to reaching your level.Thank you once again.
Hello Keith
thank you so much for sensitizing us on the importance of valuing our writing talents. personally, i feel motivated and i would like more of your articles to continue propelling my writing passion.
I would like you to be my mentor and i hope i will hear from you soon
I feel encouraged already,thank you Mr.Keith Koons,its a blessing being mentored by you.
Thank you very much Mr. Keith and Brad for the tutorial above. I joined I writer 3 days ago and you are making it possible for me to see a clear path towards becoming via prolific writer.
I am impressed by the tutorial and greatly encouraged. Am looking forward to work with Iwriter and grow my level to the elite. what I need before starting is the samples and go through them